Congratulations Cast of Disney’s Aladdin Jr.!
Our All Cast Meeting is Thursday, December 13 at 6:30 p.m.
Please see below for the details and requirements of this All Cast Meeting.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, we may have to change our show dates to later in March so I need your list of conflicts from March 11 to the 31. I will have some calendars available to fill out at the meeting.
Remember, if under 18 you will need a parent to come to this meeting. I look forward to seeing you on Thursday and can’t wait to get started January 3, 2019!
Any questions please contact me at 417-241-3883. Texting is best. Kim Barlow
Be sure to check the entire list to see if you are in more than one group. Lead characters will be added to choreography in our larger dance numbers.
ALADDIN – Hudson Aikins
BABKAK – Clayton Wester
OMAR – Mark McCann
KASSIM – Travis Harper
JASMINE – Amy Barlow
ISIR – Abby Hollingsworth
MANAL – Majlin Johnson
RAJAH – Allie Houston
GENIE – Alan Barlow
SULTAN – Tyler Rockwood
JAFAR – Bryce Tiff
IAGO – Ian Thompson
RAZOUL – Luke Rockwood
Jude Gann
Austin Hoffman
Kaleb Waxler
Erik Johnson
Jacob McCall
Russell Johnson
Dylan Sowers
Shelby White
Noah McClellan
Alex Hyder
AGRABAHN’S – Everybody from this point on is a villager in Agrabahn for group lines and song purposes in addition to their roles. 4-5 Big dance numbers. Lots of scene-change mini skits to be in.
APPLE VENDOR – Alyssa Faubion
SHOP OWNER – Sierra Smith
BEGGARS 1 – Rainy Pickel
BEGGARS 2 – Maggie Key
BEGGARS 3 – Chloee McClellan
Matney Crawford
Emma Waxler
Lilly Ireland
Ava Tiff
Abbie Hoffman
Brooklyn Aikins
Riahlyn Vestal
Juniper Fields
Addie Hollingsworth
Jade Foster
Tasha Christensen
Scarlet Hall
Evey Moore
Raina Barth
Hanna McClellan
Amiah McCall
Violette McClellan
Maggie Key
Lenexa Butler
Emily Grooms
Jewel Moore
Gracie Wester
Kaylee Wallace
Austyn Tiff
Kailey Yeager
Alyssa Faubion
Rainy Pickel
Maddie Jones
Sierra Smith
Chloee McClellan
Travis Harper – not an Agrabahn
Mandatory ALL CAST/PARENT MEETING Thursday, December 13, 2018, 6:30 p.m.
We will start the meeting in the main audition area at 6:30 p.m. We need parents and cast at this meeting. There will be a short informational meeting, then we will explain the procedure and requirements for visiting the Stations.
At the all cast meeting we will:
- Take head shots (pictures) so dress nice and have your hair combed
- Get costume measurements
- Issue an Aladdin, Jr. script and CD
- Explain our donation and volunteer program
- Take your Aladdin T-shirt order
- Fill out your bio sheet – so bring your show history!
- Review your contact information and get you signed up for our private Aladdin Facebook group page
- Visit payment station
- T-shirt – $10.00 each
- Costume fee – $20.00
- Cash donation if desired – $10.00
Please note you are not required to purchase a T-shirt but the kids sure love it.
Parents and siblings are encouraged to order T-shirts, also. (T-shirt fee is $10.00) Because we are a non-profit organization we ask for a $20.00 costume fee. We also accept cash donations at this time too. Please indicate on the memo line what the check includes. For example:
Please Reference Actor Or Cast Member Name
Memo:__Katie Smith 2-Tshirts – 20, Costume Fee-20, Donation-10______
We accept cash or checks made out to MCT. You can write one check for everything.
NOTE: Parents and Actors – from December 13 and over the Christmas Holiday please become familiar with the songs on the CD and start to memorize your lines. We hand out these scripts early so when we start rehearsal on Thursday, January 3, we can start acting and not just reading lines from their scripts. The more time spent acting and not reading from the script means your character’s role can be very full of action and expression. If an actor is always holding the script, they are looking down and their body motions and expressions are very limited. My goal is to have everyone off book (all lines memorized) by Monday, January 14, 2018. This is very feasible.
Parents, please help remind your actor to do this.