My name is Savana West, and I have been involved with MCT for about 2 years now. I started with the 2020 haunted house and quickly got sucked into doing more. MCT has helped me find myself, make incredible friends, and discover new things that I absolutely love doing. I’ve had the chance to challenge myself and put myself out there.

Photo by Kelby Lorenz
After the haunted house, I participated in the technical theatre institute for 101 Dalmatians KIDS. Then, I auditioned for my first musical in the summer of 2021! I have since been seen in Comedy Tonight: Halloween!, Grease, The Lion King Jr. as Sarabi, and I am currently playing Trudy Marsh in You Have The Right To Remain Dead. All shows have had an incredible cast and crew! I also helped present awards for the MCT Award Show in June, as well as took some vocal classes through the Education Department in April.
And I am absolutely SO excited for MCTs next season! I am incredibly excited for Peter Pan Jr, The Little Mermaid Jr, and Almost, Maine! I’m excited for Almost, Maine because it’s for high schoolers, I’m excited for The Little Mermaid Jr. because I think it’s gonna be a huge show, with lots of people! I’m also so excited about Peter Pan Jr. because it’s an Education Institute, and I love Peter Pan!
For questions regarding programs and performance opportunities for our your, email our Education Director, Carolyn Billingsley, at