Leaving Iowa
Written by: Spike Manton & Tim Clue
Performed with licensing from Dramatic Publishing
Runtime: 1.5 hours
Audience: PG-13
Location: Jubilee Theater Center, 109 Commercial Street, Marshfield, MO
A Hilarious Journey Through the Heartland of Family Memories
Buckle up and get ready for a heartwarming and hilarious adventure as Marshfield Community Theatre proudly presents the critically-acclaimed play, Leaving Iowa by Tim Clue and Spike Manton.
The spark behind Leaving Iowa comes from being children of parents from the now dubbed “greatest generation.” The story is a toast to their idealism and character and a little roast of their undying dedication to the classic family road trip. More specifically, it is the story of Don Browning, a middle-aged writer, who returns home and decides to finally take his father’s ashes to his childhood home, as requested. But when Don discovers Grandma’s house is now a grocery store, he begins traveling across Iowa searching for a proper resting place for his father. This father-and-son road trip shifts smoothly from the present to Don’s memories of the annual, torturous vacations of his childhood. Don’s existential journey leads him to reconcile his past and present at the center of the United States. Leaving Iowa is a postcard to anyone who has ever found himself or herself driving alone on a road, revisiting fond memories of his or her youth. Premiered at the Purple Rose Theatre Company.
Leaving Iowa Cast List
Don Browning – Kelby Lorenz
Dad – Gary Coday
Mom – Toni Lorenz
Sis – TeAnna Smith
Fruit Cart Person/Wayne/Shopping Lady/Fred – Samyah Walker
Grandpa/Joe Hoefingers/Amish Guy – Zac Salsig
Cart Chaser/Phyllis/Drunk Lady/Jessie – Emily Pipkin
Bob/Jack Singer – Dalton Young
Hotel Clerk/Grandma/Amish Gal – DeAnne Rader
Museum Assistant/Jamie – Savana West
Civil War Guy/Grandpa, Amish Guy Understudy – Clay Keeney
Uncle Phil/Joe Hoefingers Understudy – Randy Hoffman
Judy – Tiffany Keeney